Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, MK6 2LB

01908 257810

Jubilee Wood Primary School

Caring, Developing and Learning Together


Making sure your child is safe

Here at Jubilee Wood Primary School we take safeguarding very seriously. All staff are trained in how to keep children safe and to watch for signs of concern; they know that concerns should be passed on as soon as possible to the DSL, or one of the DDSLs in her absence.

Clare Williams, our Deputy HT, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Jubilee Wood, and Matt O'Brien, Jo Cayley, Jordan Coventry, Lesley Little and Jackie Hinchliffe are all Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs). If we have concerns that a child is either experiencing harm or in danger of experiencing it, we take action, including informing the Milton Keynes Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) who will make a professional assessment of the concerns and take appropriate action.

We only employ adults who have been fully cleared and checked as safe to be unsupervised with children.

An important part of safeguarding is keeping good communication with parents - if you feel you need some help with your child at home and things are not going as well as you would like please come and talk to us. We can often help, either directly or though signposting to local Early Help services.

If you are worried about a child please talk to us, or you can contact the Safeguarding Team in Milton Keynes on 01908 253169 or 01908 253170

The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for Jubilee Wood can be read below. 

Please follow the link below to access the school policy for Child Protection and Safeguarding:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Please see below our 'Child Protection and Safeguarding Across the Curriculum' document this outlines aspects of safeguarding across the whole curriculum reinforcing the wellbeing message.