Frequently Asked Questions
Does the school send letters home?
We use Parentmail, which is how we will send all communication electronically.
It is very important this is checked regularly so as not to miss out on vital information including school updates, events, trips etc. There is a parent newsletter sent out early each week – this includes key dates for the diary.
Where do we order uniform from?
Our uniform supplier is Maisies, you can order online or visit instore.
Website: Address: 60/64 Church Street, Wolverton, MK12 5JW
P.E T-shirts can be purchased in the office, once paid for on Parentmail (Payment – Shop).
Do I need to call the school if my child is unwell?
You must inform the school that your child will be absent by 9am at the latest, either by phone or Parentmail. If it is for more than one day, you must contact us every morning, as we cannot make assumptions about your child’s whereabouts. We will be in touch if we do not hear from you. It is fine for a child to come into school with a minor cough, cold, fever or sore throat.
Can I leave medicine for my child?
As per our medical policy, staff are not able to administer pain relief or prescribed medicines. Should your child need any medication throughout the school day, an adult with parental responsibility would need to come to school to administer. Most courses of medicine require taking 3 times a day, which can be out with school hours.
What should I do if I need to take my child to a medical appointment?
No medical appointments should be made during the school day, unless it is a specialist appointment. GP or dentist appointments should be made after 3.30pm or during the school holidays. A letter/text/appointment card will need to be shown as proof and we ask for 24 hours prior notice to the office.
Can I make an appointment to see a teacher or a member of SLT?
If you would like to speak to a member of staff, an appointment can be made for you at the office. In most circumstances , the parent should resolve issues by speaking to the class teacher and then phase leader before meeting with a more senior member of staff.
Can we go on holiday during term time?
Unless it is seen as ‘exceptional circumstances’ the school cannot authorise any holidays during term time. A Fixed Penalty Notice from the local authority can be put in place if holidays take place without being authorised. Please see 'Attendance' for more information.
Does the school have a breakfast club?
The school does have a breakfast club, which runs from 7.35am. It is £2 per day and all bookings need to be made the week before, through Parentmail. (Accounts/Breakfast Club/Select days needed) Should you need to leave your child on the day due to an emergency or not booked in advance the cost is £2.50 per day. Children in Nursery are not eligible to attend breakfast club.
How do I know if I am entitled to Free School Meals?
Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Please contact the school office and we will be able to run a check for you.
The school is partnered with St Marks Meals. Please contact our Family Support Worker, Lesley Little should you need any help/assistance.
How do we book onto after school clubs?
We will let parents know when the after-school clubs will be available to book, which will be through Parentmail (ACCOUNTS). Please ensure you ‘checkout’ the item to confirm your child’s place. You can check ‘History’ in the 'Payments' section to see your confirmed space.
Does the school have a milk program?
We are very lucky to have milk supplied by a company called CoolMilk, for more information, please read this document.
Can my child bring a phone to school?
If your child needs to bring in a mobile phone, they must be handed to the class teacher, completely switched off. It can be collected at 3.30pm. The school holds no responsibility for such items being damaged/lost/stolen. Only children in year 6 are permitted to bring their phones to school.
Where can I find any lost property?
If we find jumpers, cardigans, bags etc. with names in, they will be returned back to the child.
If the item is not labelled, it will be put into the lost property area which is found at the bottom of the staircase in the Y3/4 building. Please ensure every single item of clothing/all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.